This week has been great. I don't have my journal with me, so I can't really break it down into a lot of detail for you, but I can give the really big highlights.
So I finally got sick of my ingrown toenails and the infection thereon, so I called the medical specialist missionary lady for our mission to get instructions on what to do. So on Wednesday I bought some betadine and soaked my toes every morning and night. Guess what, it didn't do squat.
Moral of the story, don't get ingrown toenails. (and no mom, it's not the same ones from before my mission, these are new ones.)
But the only thing they prevent me from doing is play soccer on P-days, so at least it's not slowing down the work.
On Wednesday we had an awesome first contact and lesson with a lady named Tonya. We had a very powerful full first lesson on her front porch, and when I told her the First Vision the spirit was very strong. We were able to explain to her that the feeling she was having was the Holy Ghost testifying of truth, and she was very excited to read the Book of Mormon and to pray and find out for herself if it was true. But of course, over the next 48 hours before our next visit she conveniently forgot the feelings she had and flaked out on us. We haven't given up on her yet, but she became difficult out of nowhere. Satan is so frustrating sometimes. He knows exactly what he can do to keep us from getting the best we can. He'll even throw in something "Good" or even "Better" to stop us from getting the "Best". He is such a jerk. As Brother Clark in this ward would say "I just hate Satan so much"
random side note, he wears snake skin cowboy boots so he can feel like he's walking on Satan. (if you don't get it, go read Genesis. or even better, the Book of Moses)
Thursday we had a great lesson with Alby. It's been a while since we've taught her, but her brother-in-law who just got back from his mission in Honduras was in town and she thought it would be fun to have us over when he was there, so we had a fun visit with a good lesson too.
I don't know if any of you ever heard about the guy a couple years ago on Ft. Hood who shot and killed a bunch of people. It was a big deal, obviously. Well, someone was preparing to do something similar last week. They caught him when several applications for guns were denied in Killeen to the same guy, who was awal from another army post elsewhere in the US, and who has a very Muslim name and complexion. When the police searched his motel room there was a bunch of explosives and C4 and stuff. and C4 has a very very big boom. thank goodness he was caught before he could do anything. It just goes to show, the nation needs to turn back to its Christian values in all aspects, especially politics, so that we can be prepared for this type of thing. Yeah it's scary, but honestly, death isn't that scary to me right now. it would suck, cause I want to have a family and stuff, but The comfort that comes from the Plan of Salvation outweighs all doubt, concern, or fear. I just wish more people would listen to us so they could feel that same power.
Saturday was interesting. Apparently everyone and their Dog was moving, and they all wanted the missionaries' help. We helped a total of 5 different families either move in or move out. It was great though. Being the middle of a summer in a military town makes weekends like this fairly common. It was fun to help people move, even though it took away all of our proselyting time during the morning and afternoon. Then we had dinner, and then the baptism!
This baptism was different. We did a combined baptism with a member child, Roxey Christensen. It was great. The Christensen family was very excited for the opportunity to have a convert baptism combined with Roxey's. It was awesome. But very different than I expected.
Before the baptism, I had all these thoughts and wonders about how insanely awesome it was going to be to baptize someone, especially someone I had grown to care about a lot. But when it happened, it wasn't like this huge amazing spiritual experience or me (obviously it was for Aaron). It felt more like a simple "well done, thou good and faithful servant". And that was plenty for me. It was so great to have that opportunity.

Being present when someone comes fully unto Christ, through Faith in him, and his Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End is one of the greatest opportunities in the world. The priesthood which we hold, the keys of which being held by the Prophet of our Lord, is one of the greatest gifts god has given us. In order to have any idea of what I'm talking about, you have to experience it. So come unto Christ, and help those you love do the same. Truly coming unto Christ is only possible through the Priesthood, which is held only by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Yes, I am saying that the only way to truly come unto Christ is through this church. If you don't believe me, fine, don't take my word for it. Do your part and ask God. Truly study it out. Find out if it is true. Other churches have truth, but we have the fullness of the gospel. Other churches have light, but we have the fullness of light. Other churches talk about Christ, but we have Christ.
Yes, I am being bold. If you feel like I am singling you out, good. If it upsets you, remember that the spirit of God brings no negative feelings, only good, so that upset feeling is from Satan himself. Instead listen to the voice inside you that wants to know it what I'm saying is true. AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
That is my message to the world.
I love you all!
--Elder Braxton C Foust--