Wednesday, October 5, 2011

We Thank thee oh God, for a prophet!

Holy Cow. Conference was awesome. I received Guidance, instruction, and understanding left and right. It was great!

If you did not watch all 5 sessions, watch them. now. go. do it.

What the What? Another Provo Temple!!! Boo-yah! 2 temples in one city. This is God's True Church. I loved the audible gasp when President Monson announced that.

In the Ensign this past month, the 1st presidency message was about general conference. It told a story of a member telling a non-member about general conference, but not remembering the details of the previous conference. The non-member then said something to the affect of "There is a prophet of god speaking to you, but you can't remember what he said?" We can all learn from this. There is a prophet on the earth, SO LISTEN TO HIM. Everything the apostles say in conference is scripture. period. So study their words. Apply it, and achieve celestial glory.

There were a couple of common themes I saw this year. Some being personal revelation and testimony, "Be thou and example of the believers" and Choosing a side, either Christ's or Satan's. Each of these play a vital role in our eternal salvation.

I loved Boyd K.Packers talk on Saturday morning. That and he had a freaking sweet red and black paisley tie. Although he began his talk by addressing the youth, by no means is this talk meant only for the youth. Everyone should study these words and see what they can apply in their lives. He addressed each of the common themes for this conference in his talk, as well as many more. Read it, pray about it. It's true.

LeGrand R Curtis Jr., of the 70, had a great talk during Saturday Afternoon session. It was about the Atonement, and about the power of repentance. Repentance is the happiest word in the English language! What is happier than changing the things that are wrong to become more like Christ? Study his words! Pray about it! It's True!

Priesthood session had my absolute favorite talk. Jeffrey R. Holland, my favorite speaker, gave a powerful witness of choosing the savior's team. Being a true Christian, none of this "Modern Christianity" bull-crap we see in the world, but a true witness of Jesus Christ, a member of his true church with his priesthood. "Come Join the Ranks!" he proclaims in his Call to Arms. "Unbind your tongues and watch your words work wonders." Study it, pray about it!

Henry B. Eyring also gave a wonderful talk in priesthood session. We are all prepared for our situations in life, so use that preparation and be the best you can be! Be thou an example of the believers!

And then, our beloved Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, in priesthood session, gave this awesome talk on a multitude of things. If there is any one talk I would suggest the world re-read and study, it is this one. It is powerful, and the spirit of God will manifest the truth of it unto you. Be willing to stand alone, be an all-star. Do what is right!

Sunday morning, Eyring again gave an awesome talk. Holy cow if this thing doesn't move emotions within you, nothing will. it is powerful. Read it, pray about it. It's true.

M. Russell Ballard had a great talk, focusing on the name of the church. We are Christ's Church! The one and only! So use his name properly. This is not the Mormon Church, This is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the members are called Mormons as a nickname. And I am Proud to be a Mormon!!!!

Thomas S. Monson's talk ending the Sunday morning session was most excellent. Read it!!!!!!!

And now, I would like to quote my favorite talk from any general conference. In October 2009 Jeffrey R Holland gave an amazing talk entitled Safety for the Soul.

"As one of a thousand elements of my own testimony of the divinity of the Book of Mormon, I submit this as yet one more evidence of its truthfulness. In this their greatest—and last—hour of need, I ask you: would these men blaspheme before God by continuing to fix their lives, their honor, and their own search for eternal salvation on a book (and by implication a church and a ministry) they had fictitiously created out of whole cloth?

Never mind that their wives are about to be widows and their children fatherless. Never mind that their little band of followers will yet be “houseless, friendless and homeless” and that their children will leave footprints of blood across frozen rivers and an untamed prairie floor. 9 Never mind that legions will die and other legions live declaring in the four quarters of this earth that they know the Book of Mormon and the Church which espouses it to be true. Disregard all of that, and tell me whether in this hour of death these two men would enter the presence of their Eternal Judge quoting from and finding solace in a book which, if not the very word of God, would brand them as imposters and charlatans until the end of time? They would not do that! They were willing to die rather than deny the divine origin and the eternal truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.

For 179 years this book has been examined and attacked, denied and deconstructed, targeted and torn apart like perhaps no other book in modern religious history—perhaps like no other book in any religious history. And still it stands. Failed theories about its origins have been born and parroted and have died—from Ethan Smith to Solomon Spaulding to deranged paranoid to cunning genius. None of these frankly pathetic answers for this book has ever withstood examination because there is no other answer than the one Joseph gave as its young unlearned translator. In this I stand with my own great-grandfather, who said simply enough, “No wicked man could write such a book as this; and no good man would write it, unless it were true and he were commanded of God to do so.”

Jeffrey R Holland puts it in a way I wish I could. This is a powerful witness of the Truth and Divinity of the Book of Mormon. I promise you that this book is True. I promise that NO MATTER WHAT your concern with the church may be, if you prayerfully, sincerely study the Book of Mormon, with Faith in Jesus Christ, you WILL know for yourself that it is true. Your concern will be resolved, and you will be saved in the Celestial Kingdom. "This is the way, and there is no other way, nor name given under heaven"

This is the only way. I love you all, please, if you do not know that the Book of Mormon is true, do what is necessary to find out. (this weeks profile)
--Elder Braxton C Foust--

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