Monday, March 5, 2012

Surprise visits from General Authorities are always fun‏

This week has been awesome. It was very eventful. On Tuesday we went on exchange with our DL, Elder Simmons. He and I worked in my area and Elder Fibke went with Elder Wallis (who is also going home this transfer) in their area. Luckily they aren't so trunkie that they didn't work; the still tore it up and worked hard. Anyway, Elder Simmons and I had an awesome exchange and found a new investigator that is actually really interested! She grew up Pentecostal, but she was wearing pants so it was obvious she's not practicing. (In case you don't know, they believe girls should only wear skirts or dresses, I think it comes from Deuteronomy 22:5, but that interpretation is is all "hokey pokey" as Elder Fibke would say). Anyway, I am excited to teach her again. We're supposed to see her tonight.
Thursday was kind of sad because we had a bunch of appointments set up and only 1 didn't cancel. But it was ok.
Friday was awesome. Pure legendary awesomeness in a bottle. We had ZMC (Zion Mission Council, also known as ZLC Zone Leader Council) and the trainings given were amazing. I learned a ton. And it is all in my notebook that I did not bring with me, so I can't exactly tell it all to you off the top of my head. But we did watch a video called Soaring to Nu Heights, where there's this eagle that was raised in a chicken coop, but this guy wants it to realize it's an eagle so he takes it up the mountain to get it to fly. It's one of those feel-good movies that make you sick of cheesiness and boredom in seminary, but as a missionary thinking about it with a purpose, it was awesome. It reminded me of something Mr. Hendricks used to say "you can aim for the trees and land in the mud, or you can aim for the stars and land in the trees." I decided to take that one step further. With the visual of aiming high, shooting for it, then falling, think about how being in orbit around the earth works. You need the speed to break past gravity into space, and then you begin to fall, but as you fall. Your speed keeps you moving outward, so you are constantly falling, but never back into the atmosphere (obviously a poor explanation that was probably incomplete, but maybe you get it). So like that, if you shoot high enough, you will break through the barrier, and be in constant motion, always moving forward, and using the opposition to keep you going. "This isn't flying, this is falling with style!"
10 points for me for the Toy Story reference
Anyway, the biggest thing that happened this week was on Sunday. First of all we had SMCs Sunday morning where we meet with the mission president and stake president and talk about the work, which was awesome. But then after that we went out and tracted a bit, but without any success. Then we had church. This week church was a little different though, because we took the sacrament, and then bolted. We had to get down to Lewisville (half hour or so away) for a meeting that we had just found out about last week, a meeting with Elder Tad R. Callister of the Presidency of the 70.

There were 8/11 zones there, so about 140 of the 202 missionaries in our mission. It was just the really far zones (Waco, Killeen, and Weatherford) that didn't get to come. But this was awesome. I noticed pretty quickly that all 7 of my companions were there. Elders Toki, Warburton, Brindley, Sare, Pipher, Lao, and Fibke. I wanted to get a picture, but there wasn't ever a good time to do it. It was awesome to catch up with them. Especially Elder Pipher and Elder Lao. Elder Pipher is still in Burleson, he's actually companions with Elder WIlson, who was trained by Elder Fibke, so fathers and son's are serving together. Elder Pipher got to baptize the girls that we taught together, so he is going to get me pictures and a program from it. Back to the main point, when we got there we found out it wasn’t only Elder Callister, but also Elder Roberts of the 70 and Elder Fluckiger of the 70. We heard from all of them and it seriously rocked. Elder Callister talked about the Plan of Salvation, and about how it is literally for us to receive a fullness of happiness and joy in this life and in the life to come. President and Sister Sagers also spoke. President Sagers talked about Sacrament, and how important it really is and how important the word "remembrance" is.
I love you all! Endure to the End and keep on falling with style. If you fall too hard and hit the ground, get up and get going again.

--Elder Braxton C Foust--

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