Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Week 6 Already‏

This transfer has definitely been the fastest so far. I'm sure y'all are sick of me saying that every six weeks, but it is true every time. It just gets faster and faster. I am pretty sure I will be leaving, so refrain from mailing anything to me after Saturday in case I leave on Wednesday Morning of next week. I'll let you know for sure next Monday once I know my transfer doctrine.

Anyway, this week has been awesome, mostly in the general "I'm on a mission telling people about the restoration" kind of awesome way.
We had some awesome lessons this week. First was on Wednesday with Mary. Like I told you before, she moved her baptismal date back to the 19th of May, which was ok, we'll work with that. We are now in lesson 4 with Mary. The cool thing about lesson 4 is you can teach it in any way you want. It is the Commandments. Including the Ten Commandments, the Word of Wisdom, Prayer, Obedience, Sabbath Day, Fasting, Law of Chastity, and others. We decided to focus on Prayer and Scripture Study this lesson. It was great because she has been struggling with prayer.
I think many people have the same problem with prayers that Mary has been facing. Sometimes it feels like our prayers are not being heard, like we're talking to the wall.
We talked about the structure of prayer, and how we can talk to our Father in Heaven about literally anything. It is a conversation between us and God. It was really good. Our exchange from the ward talked about how his son needed help with Spanish but never came and asked him for help. But because he is his son he has every right to ask him for his help with anything. It was an awesome analogy that helped Mary understands prayer better.
On Thursday we had Free Speech on campus again. I am pretty sure I have told y'all about free speech before. It's where we get to stand on some grass and talk to people about the church as they go to and from classes. It was a lot of fun. We have new Mormon.org pass-along cards with a QR code on the back (you know those scanner boxes that are on everything now) and we gave out a whole box of 100 in the first couple hours. It was awesome. We also gave out several copies of the Book of Mormon and a lot of pamphlets. It rocked.
On Friday all the missionaries going home between now and October had a super secret meeting in Hurst. Really it was just like a normal zone conference, but was focused on getting the Doctrine of Christ into your heart so fully that it will remain as a part of you forever, and how to constantly be nourishing it after the mission. Obviously I was not there, but Elder Fa was, so I got to go on exchange that day with Elder Lancaster. We had a good time knocking doors pretty much all day long. That night was the best part of the day though.
So there is this family we met from Albania. They have lived in Texas for 20 years, and haven't gone to church during that whole time. We met them while knocking doors a couple weeks ago, but were not able to get in until Friday. When the father, I will call him Art, let us in, he told us to sit down and wait for him to get his whole family there so they can all listen. It was awesome. We taught the first lesson very simply so their two sons, who I will call Fabio and Adi, could understand. They all loved it, especially the mother, who I will call Era. (all the names are not their real names, but close enough for me to remember). They committed to read the Book of Mormon and to pray about it, and to be baptized if they find out it is true. It was awesome.
Saturday was a good day. There was one guy we talked to that goes to a big non-denominational church out here that we had a really good conversation with. He has a hard time accepting the need for priesthood authority, but we talked about Luke 6:13, where Christ chose specific disciples to be his Apostles, as well as John 15:16, where Christ ordains those apostles. After we clearly showed the need for authority, he changed to the subject of grace. One thing people don't realize is that Mormons do believe that we are saved by grace. It's the only way. There is nothing we can do to deserve salvation. The thing he, and other mainstream Christians, didn't get is that in order to receive grace we have to be obedient to the commandments. It was interesting to me that he told us that baptism is not essential, but it's just a thing we can do if we want to. I quoted Christ as he said "Unless a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God" but he ignored it and went on about something else. It is simple; we are given commandments to obey them. Period. If we do not obey them, we won't receive grace. We are saved after all we can do. "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." We have to be obedient.
Sunday was a great day, other than the fact that I was speaking in Sacrament. It wasn't that bad, in fact I found it easier than I have in the past. The problem this time was that I am so used to giving trainings and having energy and participation, that a talk in sacrament where everyone is being quite and I shouldn't really ask for participation was a little rough. But it was still good. I spoke about the Doctrine of Christ. I used the story of hiking to delicate arch when I was 12 (it took me forever to remember what the arch was called. I kept wanted to call it centeniel arch because of the license plates and that’s as Jessica thought it was called because of the license plates, but that is also why I knew it wasn't called that). Anyway, I compared the doctrine of Christ to hiking to delicate arch, and how because I have experienced it I can tell others about it and invite them to try it out, and tell them how and why they will enjoy it. In the same way, we cannot invite others to partake of the Doctrine of Christ and the Atonement with a knowledge of it's power until we experience it. I then told of experiences I have had in my life and on my mission of people inviting others to learn about the gospel, and then invited everyone to do the simple things of reading scriptures, going to church, and praying for opportunities to share the gospel and the knowledge of how to do it.
Third hour was the combined meeting with the youth, RS and priesthood, and our Ward Mission Leader presented the new ward mission plan to everyone. It was a great lesson. We had dinner right after church, and then we went to a baptism in the zone with Mary so she could see how it goes. After that was a fireside that we stayed for, and Elder Fa kindly volunteered me to play the piano for right then, so I had to quickly learn to play 302 and 157. But I figured them out and didn't embarrass myself too much. The fireside was awesome. Three of the recent converts in the stake bore their testimonies and Mary really liked it.
I have learned a lot about the gospel. I have learned a lot about faith, grace, mercy, the atonement, and many other aspects. It is all very simple. As you read the scriptures, go to church, and pray fervently, your faith will increase. (As you do works, your faith increases, hmmm interesting...) As your faith increases, you desire to be more like Christ and you repent of your sins (something else you have done). In order to fully repent, you will be baptized by the priesthood authority for the remission of sins (wait... you have to do something?) and then receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (again, an act) and live worthy of his constant companionship (in order to live worthy, you have to act) and we endure (another word that shows action) through this life by constantly increasing our faith (how? Oh Yeah! Through obedience, which requires effort) constantly repenting (more effort) and renewing our baptismal covenant through the sacrament (renew = doing something). and listening for and following the promptings of the spirit (listening and doing). And all of this for what? It is a pattern for partaking (Action word) of the Atonement. Lets look at the work Atonement, to be At One with God, or to be reconciled with God. "to reconcile" = verb. So let's get up, and work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Let's follow (action) Christ.

Elder Braxton C Foust--

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