This morning was a really cool morning. We had the opportunity to have an extra zone leader meeting at Hurst, because Elder Shayne M. Bowen of the 70 is here, and he wanted to meet with the Zone Leaders before the rest of the missionaries. We had a really good meeting and he taught a lot. He started out talking about the principle of Agency.
It was cool, because most of the time when we talk about agency we are talking about the things that we do. Whether or not we do homework. Whether or not we practice piano. Whether or not we see a movie. Whether or not we go to church. But there is more to it than that. He talked about receiving the Holy Ghost for example. He asked if it is possible for someone to be baptized by the proper authority, and have hands laid on their head (again, by the authority)
"And also all they who receive this priesthood receive me, saith the Lord" D&C 84:35
and have the blessings given and everything done correctly, but the person does not receive the Holy Ghost, even though the words spoken are "receive the Holy Ghost." Of course, the answer is yes, it is possible to not receive it. Why? Because God has given us our agency. Just because we do something doesn't mean we choose to receive the blessings. Because God loves us, he will not force the Holy Ghost on us. He will not force us to be sanctified, purified, and receive that guidance he wants to give. We have to choose to accept that. And choosing to accept that is more than just going through the motion. It has to do with changing our nature.
He later talked about how Laman and Lemuel walked just as far as Nephi. They helped build the boat. and they had to leave their things behind too. But when all was said and done, after everyone had put in a lot of work, Laman and Lemuel did not receive the blessings. Although they put forth the effort and did what was required, it was not enough. They did not believe it and they did not choose to receive those blessings. The question then is, are we going through motions and doing things without putting everything into it and choosing to receive the blessings?
Now it's my turn to elaborate a little. We can go through the motions and not really believe it and mean it. But we cannot really mean it if we do not do the act. The perfect example I can think of is this. "I have accepted Jesus as my savior, I have been saved. Even though I break the Sabbath every week, and drink, and smoke, and break the law of chastity, and support others who break the law of chastity, I know that Jesus dies for my sins and I have been forgiven." By the way, this is much more common than you may think. If someone really, truly loves Christ, and has accepted Him, their actions will show it. Not eventually, but now. Doctrine understood changes behavior. If nature is changed, behavior is as well. You see, you cannot live the "spirit of the law" without living the "letter of the law."He said it Himself. "If you love me, keep my commandments."
Ok, so back to Elder Bowen, it was awesome. We were able to learn a lot from him. I really enjoyed it. I'm excited for our next meeting with him tomorrow.
So now for the other end of the spectrum. Right after getting fired up about missionary work and everything, I got a voicemail from the mission office. So I called Sister Brown back and she starts asking me some questions. She needed to double check my parents' email addresses, my home address, and my home ward information. And then the question that deems this phone call the "trunkie call." "What airport do you want to fly to when you go home in 4 months? “And seriously, that's how it is worded too. So that is the other end of the spectrum, the fact that in 3 1/2 months I will be on a plane. Which can be potentially dangerous to a drive to do missionary work. So now I get the fun part of my mission. Where I keep it all laid out on the table and see miracles. Like I heard President Sagers say before, I'm going to be the kind of missionary that when I wake up Satan says "Oh no... He's up again."
Elder Phister
Elder Border
Elder Fa
Elder Fibke
Elder Johnson
Elder Moore
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