Monday, June 20, 2011

Fat Daddy!

This week sure has been fun. First off I got a personal lesson in patience, which I basically asked for while working on my Christ like Attributes, and of course the day my patience feels like it has run out, things are resolved and life goes on. So take my advice, be patient. Simple as that. "the Lord is in control--he is driving the bus and you are a passenger trying not to tell him how fast or slow or when to turn etc." -President Sagers

He has a lot of great quotes actually.

"In life, there's only two things you need to worry about, if you are healthy or if you are sick. If you are healthy, you have nothing to worry about. If you are sick there are only two things you need to worry about, if you live or if you die. If you live you have nothing to worry about. If you die, there are only two things to worry about, if you go to Heaven or Hell. If you go to Heaven you have nothing to worry about. If you go to Hell, you'll be so busy shaking hands with friends to worry about anything." -President Sagers

So on Wednesday this week we had an excellent time at our Zone Huddle. We had a training on commitments and following up on them, and then had some awesome role-plays. The thing about role-plays in missionary work, is if you have the spirit with you as you role-play, sometimes the exact situation comes up later. Even word for word. A perfect example of that, is Wednesday night the sisters told us about their lesson they had that day after zone huddle. They asked a question to an investigator that we had asked them during the role-play, and the investigators reply was word for word what Sister Hawkes had said to us during the practice. They knew exactly what to say in reply, because we had said it earlier and it was perfect. pretty cool stuff.

That night we needed a double exchange (or splits as some people call it) where we split up and do different things. Brother Abrams had said earlier he would ride his bike with one of us (he has epilepsy so he can't drive) but he was really tired after work. SO we asked if Both Brother and Sister Abrams could come out. So I went with them to our appointments, and Elder Warbutron went with Mitch to do a baptismal interview for some of the other elders' investigators. The lesson that I did was not a huge success for the family we were teaching, because they weren't really ready to learn, but the Abrams got a ton out of it. They felt the spirit very strongly and just loved it.
Thursday we had an awesome lesson with Kyle again. We taught him the Restoration, and were able to answer a lot of his questions through simply teaching the basic doctrine as outlined in Preach My Gospel. He still has a lot of questions, some of which are pretty deep doctrine, so we told him that we would have to build a solid foundation first so that it would all make sense, so he invited us to come back the next day.

Friday I went to Killeen 3rd ward on exchange, and Elder Clement came to K2. Because Warburton is DL we will be doing this just about every week. sometimes more than once a week even. So I was with Elder Luksan (Luke-Shawn) in K3 for the day. We basically tracted all day long. It was really fun though. Our dinner appointment was with a cool family, the Mitchems. Brother Mitchem served in the Ogden mission, and served in Farmington for a while. As well as Bountiful and Logan. He got to serve on USU campus, that would be awesome. I had a ton of fun talking to him about Utah, especially since he spent time in Davis County.

Now for the big one.

Saturday was awesome and terrible. The whole time we've been in Killeen we've driven past a sign for Billy Bob's Burgers, almost every day. We've been talking about going there for a while, and then we heard from someone that there is a "Challenge" at Billy Bob's. So we called them one day to get the information. The Fat Daddy Challenge is to eat a Fat Daddy Burger (6 patties, 1/4 lb each) A large fry, and a Large shake. If you do it in less than 30 minutes, you get a t-shirt and your picture on the wall. If you beat the record (currently 11 min 15 sec) it's free. Otherwise it's $19.67. The ZL's recent convert, Nate Helsham, is a very large Samoan. He heard us talking about it one day, and signed up on our dinner calendar, and told us he wanted to take us over to do the challenge. Well, practically the whole zone showed up. Nate insisted on paying for the 4 of us he signed up to feed, and the rest of the guys were on their own. Nate, Elder Warburton, Elder White, Elder Martinez, Elder Whittier, Elder Downs, Elder Felix, and Myself all tried. Nate finished in 18 minutes. Elder Martinez finished in 22. I finished in 24, and Whittier finished in 28. It was awesome. Way too much food for anyone's good, but worth the fun. I will never do that again though. I didn't eat for almost 24 hours after it. But man, it was all way good food.

On Sunday Elder Warburton and I did a baby blessing in sacrament meeting. It is the baby of a less active family that we've been working with for a little while, the Mezenen's, and they asked us to do it because we're the only people in the ward they know. It was an interesting experience. But it was cool.

That's the short version of my week. Not a ton of time left to give a ton more detail.
I hope all is going well with everyone.
Read Helaman 12, and think about how you can apply it to you life.
"Still all my song shall be, Nearer My God to Thee. Nearer my God to thee. Nearer to thee" -Hymn 100

--Elder Braxton C Foust--

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