This week has been awesome. My new area is great (Weatherford Ward, and Weatherford Young Single Adult Branch for anyone who doesn't know). The people here are night and day different from the people in Denton. And there is an obvious reason for that, Denton being home of two major universities is very liberal and is a part of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, Weatherford on the other hand is a much more small town. It has a population of about 25,000 (Kaysville is about 30,000) but geographically is spread out. It's country out here. I love it. People here have the real Southern Hospitality and they are all good conservative Christians. People actually talk to us when we approach them, and he has a real teaching pool!
The ward and stake here are great. They are all very missionary minded and the work really makes sense here. We had two investigators at church and once we introduced them to a couple members we practically didn't need to even see them again for those three hours because the members took care of them. It's great. One of our investigators, I will call him Gus, loved church. The missionaries have been trying to get him to come for a few weeks and he kept saying no, but he is going in for spinal surgery this week and is scared, so we taught him about the atonement on Saturday and invited him to come to church, and he said that he felt like he could find some peace there so he would come. Well he loved it. He is normally really shy but by third hour he was talking to people and just going great. We gave him a blessing and it was very powerful.
We had our Stake Missionary Correlation meeting with the Stake President and President Sagers yesterday too that was a really good meeting. We have a lot of things we are going to do here to keep the work going and to involve members. We are going to start teaching the lessons to all of the youth as if they were investigators to help them better understand the gospel, gain a stronger testimony, and have a base of what they can share with people if they have questions. I am excited for that. At the meeting President Sagers made the comment about how lucky I am because I went from what is considered one of the best zones to serve in, to the other one that is considered one of the best. So I feel blessed.
So it is different here than any of my other areas, because we don't live in an apartment complex, we live with members. Actually, we live with the Bishop and his wife. I am the 46th missionary to live here with them; number 2 was also from Kaysville which was 4 years ago. This is the area that Edler Lao was trained in, and I know a lot of other missionaries that served in this ward. It's cool also cause we share the ward with a Spanish companionship, so there are 4 of us (actually 5, they have a visa waiter) together for church and stuff. They don't live with the members though, they have an apartment in town, we live "out in the country." which is funny as I think about it, because Grandma and Grandpa Stoker live in a more country area than this, but I never really thought of that area as country before. Anyway, it's cool living with them, they rock. I got to drive their awesome Jon Deere riding mower on Friday when we mowed their couple acre lawn. That thing hauls.
Elder Moore is great. He is from Upland California. Cool random fact, the guy that plays Kip in Napoleon Dynamite was one of his Deacon Quorum advisors. He is a dang good missionary, and even though I have got 6 months longer than him, he is one of those rocking missionaries that just knows how to do the work, and I am going to learn a lot from him. But that is the way it should be. Our zone is huge, both geographically and the number of missionaries. There is one less companionship here than there was in Denton, but the areas are much more spread out, due to the country-ness of it. We have a lot of fun together, and we are going to do work.
Well, I am out of time. I love y'all! Have a great week!
-- --Elder Braxton C Foust--
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