Monday, June 11, 2012

Kill those Chiggers!

Many of you may be wondering right at this moment, "what is a chigger?" Well let me tell you.
In texas, there are many, many bugs. Many different kinds of bugs. For example, In Utah, when you say "wasp" you think of a yellow jacket, or some other slightly-larger-than-a-bumble-bee wasp. In Texas, yellow jackets are the smallest wasps in the state. There are red wasps, black wasps, purple wasps, and other various colors (the orange ones look really cool). And they don't really have stripes. They look more like something you would see on Transformers: Beast Wars, like an armored insect from hell or something. And their bodies are the size of my thumb. Crazy right?
Well, luckily I have not been stung by a huge wasp (knock on wood), but I have now experienced Chiggers. Chiggers are very, very small little red bugs that like grass. But they also like to leave the grass and get in your pants and socks. And then, they burrow into your skin, and live there until you kill them. And they itch like a mosquito bite, except worse. Luckily they aren't like ticks that give you diseases and stuff, but they are very, very obnoxious. And the worst thing about them is that there are never only a couple there, there are always a lot. Needless to say, both myself and Elder Phister have very itchy ankles right now. Apparently they are very fragile, so you can kill them easily if you get to them before they get in you, the problem is they are so small you can't really see them. Fun Stuff.
Anyway, this week was awesome! On Tuesday we had a baptism! Mary finally got baptized. It was a powerful baptism. I had the opportunity to perform the baptism, so that was cool. After the baptism, her roommate came up to us and told us that since we started coming over to teach Mary, she had been feeling some things, and decided to quit smoking. After 50 years of smoking, she just decided to quit because we were coming over. Just like that. So that was awesome. Then she started talking to our Ward Mission Leader's wife (who we have a really good relationship with) and asked her if you had to be a member to visit the church. After that was taken care of, she mentioned that she would try to borrow Mary's Book of Mormon some time. So we told her there was no need for that, ran out to the truck and got her one. We got an appointment with her for two days later.
So on Thursday afternoon we taught her the first lesson. It went great, and we set a baptismal date with her right then and there. It was awesome. She has definitely been prepared. She told us yesterday that she told her son that she might become Mormon, and he asked her if that was the people with George Smith. That the first time I've gotten George, usually it is John Smith, or Joe Smith. And I don't think he was referring to George Albert Smith. Anyway, it was funny. 
Next week is transfers by the way, and I am pretty sure I will be leaving, since I have been here for 4 transfers now. So no one should send me anything after Saturday, and next Monday I'll have my new address. 
Well, that is my week. Baptism, new investigator, and chiggers. Good week.
I Love y'all! Have a good week!

--Elder Braxton C Foust--

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