Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turning

BUT, I do know where I'll be tomorrow. (Journey reference for anyone who didn't get it)

As I said last week, it is transfers this week, and I am leaving Burleson. It is very sad that I am leaving, because I love this ward. I love this area. I love my companion. I just love it all. Burleson is seriously amazing, there are tons of great people here, and I have gotten close to several of them.

If you recall, 12 weeks ago I got a phone call from President Sagers concerning transfers. I was told that I would be training a new missionary. Then, 6 weeks ago, I got another call from President Sagers, I was told I would be a District Leader.

On Friday night, our phone rang. part of me hoped it would be for me, but part hoped it would be for Elder Pipher to train. It was not for him. "Elder Foust, the Lord has a new assignment for you, are you ready for that?" "yes president" "Elder Foust, the Lord wants you to be a Zone Leader in Denton, can you do that?"

This is the moment my heart stopped.

So this week has been great. Our new years eve was awesome, we had dinner with a great family then played night games with them and a couple other families for a little bit, then headed out. We were in bed by 10:30 and I was passed out for the New Years. It was awesome. But even better than that was New Year's Day.

On New Year's Day the wards switched times (obviously) so we became the 1 o'clock ward and Joshua ward became 9 o'clock. Elder Whittier and Gardner spoke, and Elder Whittier is going home this week, so we went to listen to them. It was great. They both gave awesome talks and I learned from it. Their ward loves Elder Whittier, and it was totally another farewell for him, tons of people cried and told him they love him and would miss him. He was feeling under the weather, but made I through his talk just fine. The best thing was, right as the closing song began, a random lady sat next to us and said "Elder Whittier is my son. Will you please give him this medicine and tell him he has to take it? We want to be obedient so we can't talk to him until tomorrow" and then she got up and walked out. His sister lives in the mission boundaries, and his parents got permission to come tour the mission because they have family here, but they were supposed to meet with President Sagers before talking to him. It was hilarious when I realized she was serious about being his mom. (mom, don't get any ideas, I want to stereotypical walk out of the terminal missionary homecoming). But then that night we had dinner with Elder WHittier and Elder Gardner at Matt's house ( a member in our ward that we all have a great relationship with). They told Elder Whittier it would be his last supper and we had "unleavened bread and unfermented wine". We had tacos with grape juice. It was great.

Then we went to the family with 12 kids and had a bit of food there too, and I got a picture with them and said goodbye. Then we had our Baptismal Candidate interviewed, he is getting baptized tonight! I am excited for that. Then we went to the Duncanson's so I could give back the guitar I had borrowed and get a picture with them too. It was a really good last weekend in Burleson. Then on Monday the ward mission leader in Joshua took the four of us out to eat, (during p-day) as a last hurrah for Elder Whittier. He took us to this fancy steak place and told us to get whatever we wanted and insisted on us getting amazing food. Whittier and I both had 20 oz steaks, and the other two had fish. this restaurant made me feel like I was at moonlight serenade at Davis, but it was missing several critical elements. An awesome jazz band, friends and family, a beautiful girl and dancing. But that's ok, that can wait another year or so. anyway, back to the food, it was awesome. Such a good steak. Then Elder Whittier left. now he is with his parents driving around Texas. Then we went to our FHE, and had a great lesson there about the plan of salvation, and I got pictures there too. It was great.

Along with Elder Whittier, several missionaries I know went home today. Elder White and Elder Martinez, two of my first zone leaders, and two of my best friends out here, are both back in their home towns by now. They flew out at 8 o'clock this morning. It is so crazy to think about that. And along with that, they were all only out just past a year when I met them.... in 7 1/2 weeks, I will hit a year. holy. freaking. crap.

and... I am a zone leader..... it is still throwing me off. I still don't know what to think about it. I am excited and nervous, there's a lot of responsibility with being a zone leader, and a lot less sleep than being not a zone leader. but that's ok. I can't wait now. It is going to be awesome.

my new address is

Elder Braxton C. Foust
2121 stella st #201
Denton TX, 76028

All I know about Denton is it is a college town and the school is known for music. So that rocks. Hopefully I will be able to connect well with people. I don't know if I will even be near the college, but a couple of missionaries have said they think the ZLs are, so that would be me.

I love you all. I know this is God's true church on the Earth. The one and only. I'm sorry if you are reading this and disagree with that statement, but I will boldly say that you are wrong. This is it. Christ leads this church. He gave his priesthood to his original twelve apostles, and they gave it to Joseph Smith, and it has continued on the Earth since then. The Book of Mormon is true. God loves all his children, so he talks to his children all over the world. Jesus Christ suffered for us. Because of the infinite atonement, we all have the opportunity to be saved by his grace if we follow his laws. We must put forth an effort, and work out our own salvation, and then grace saves us after all we can do.

I know this is true.
Love, Elder Foust

--Elder Braxton C Foust--

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