Monday, August 15, 2011

The sun'll come out tomorrow.... and every day after that too

Hola everyone. How are you all doing?
This week has been a new experience for me. Instead of working our tails off and getting several lessons but no new investigators, we worked our tails off and had hardly any lessons, but got a few new investigators. I guess I can tell you about a couple of them.
Clarence is this big black dude. He's got an interesting background, being raised with hardcore southern Baptist grandparents, and a Jehovah's witness mother. He decided years ago to go non-denominational because it wasn't pulling him any specific way. We had a really good lesson with him, teaching about the restoration and Joseph Smith. He is going to start at the beginning of the Book of Mormon and read and pray about it. I can't wait to teach him again.
We got back in contact with Heather yesterday! It was great to see her again, because she's back to being her happy, ready to learn self. We stopped teaching her about a month and a half ago because her husband was about to deploy and life was stressing her out too much, so she didn't "have time" to worry about religion, but now we have an appointment with her later this week.
We met this girl named Rachel a couple weeks ago. She is kind of interested, but hasn't had time to sit down and talk with us yet. Every time we have gone over there she has talked with us, and is curious, but her husband has never come out and wasn't really interested. We stopped by the other day and he came out at one point and we talked to him. He told us that he isn't looking to change religion, but he's willing to sit in and listen and support his wife if (and when) she decides to look further into this. He is more curious than he lets on, so I’m excited to start teaching them too.
Our Elders Quorum president in the ward, President Lallis, has been doing a lot of work to help sift through the ward roster. Our roster has about 600 names on it, because it is a military ward. Wards around bases become black holes where records get sent to and stay there forever, because people don't think to request them, and the clerks don't get the info of where to send them. So he has set up a system where the Elders Quroum, the High Preists, the R.S., and the Missionaries can stop by people and find out who is or isn't still around, who is inactive, who is in need to fellowshipping or service, and who is just plain lazy and needs a reminder. We have spent a lot of time this week doing those stop-bys and it is definitely helping the ward.
The weather this week got our hopes up a lot. It was overcast when we left the apartment almost every day, and it even sprinkled a little bit one day. But the sun still breaks through and we continue to extend past the record of "consecutive days over 100 degrees". Some people might say that the overcast was a tender mercy and a blessing, and it was for the first little bit, but then the sun comes out and it is humid because of the clouds, so it's just more miserable. What does all this mean? Just keep on working and forget about how uncomfortable you feel. Just work. The blessings will come. (and while you work stay hydrated, obviously)
We all just need to remember that when it all comes down to it, Christ has felt it all and has paid the price for it. Because of him we can do anything. Especially with the restored gospel and priesthood on our side.

"I aint never been much 'til you came into my life. But now I'm a believer, you make everything alright.
Now I can walk on water, I can calm the raging sea. Move every mountain in my life cause I know that you're with me. Turn water into wine, roll back the wind and turn back time. As long as I know I'm with you,
I can do anything Impossible" - "Impossible" by Alex Boye (check out his profile
The Priesthood of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth. Its blessings are available to all!
--Elder Braxton C Foust--

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